Piercings and Tattoos

The world of Body Art from Disha’s eyes

Archive for the ‘Body Piercing’ Category


Microdermals to Adorn your Tattoos

Posted by Disha Singh on October 5, 2008

Tattoos are to adorn your body and to adorn your tattoos – there are microdermals. Microdermals work like jewelry for your tattoos, whether jeweled or plain. They appear like a silver lining in the clouds.

As seen in the picture above, you’d surely be awestruck by enhanced beauty of the tattoo from a jeweled microdermal. This is done by Lucas of PiratePiercing.

This is a great idea to spice up your tattoo and cross your limits to try new body modifications.


Pierced Innocence

Posted by Disha Singh on September 25, 2008

Royal Dirty Clown submitted this picture on flickr. It is a Yanomami indian girl, Amazon rain forest, Brazil.


An Eye-Candy of Some Prominent Body Modification around the World: Video

Posted by Disha Singh on September 14, 2008

WHYcagr1 submitted this video of amazing body modification pictures on Youtube.


Piercing Needles ease depression

Posted by Disha Singh on June 12, 2008

Where many therapies might prove fatal to cure severe depression, acupuncture appears as an exception in curing severe depression of the people.

A new study made in Sydney has found a marked improvement in a group of people with medicated depression who were treated with traditional Chinese needle therapy for two months.

Kirk Wilson, a researcher at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Technology Sydney, said:

“What we’ve managed to show is that acupuncture can be a powerful aid to use alongside anti-depressants to help these people…We’re using acupuncture to regulate the energy flow, release pressure and allow everything to move more freely.”

However, western medical practitioners are still skeptical and says that there was no proof the treatment continued to work over time.

Read More


Interview of Larry Silverman for the World’s Extreme Body Mod Movie – “Flesh & Blood”

Posted by Disha Singh on May 5, 2008

Larry Silverman
(Larry Silverman)

On 1st of this month Larry Silverman released his latest independent feature documentary, “Flesh & Blood.” Doing several stories on people modified by Steve Haworth for the television series, “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not”, Larry got inspired to make “Flesh & Blood” – a film Larry thinks will surely change people’s outlook towards body modification and “will have a greater understanding about the more extreme side of body modification.”

Not taking your more time you read the interview yourself to know more about the movie.
Flesh & Blood
Disha Singh: First and foremost are you a body modification freak. Do you wear any tattoo, piercing or any other body modification on your body?

Larry Silverman: I love art and personal expression of all kinds. And I love people. But it is not my choice to wear tattoos, piercings, or even jewelry for that matter. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate great art, even if the canvas is human skin.

Disha: What inspired you to make “Flesh & Blood”?

Larry: I was a director/producer/writer on the television series, “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not” and did several stories about people who Steve Haworth had worked on. When I proposed doing a story just about Steve, it was rejected. So I decided to make the documentary on my own. I really like what Steve is doing and wanted to show it in a non-judgmental way.

(Steve Haworth showing his fresh Scarification)

Disha: Why only Steve Haworth, when there are so many other body modifiers around the globe?

Larry: As a documentary filmmaker, I prefer smaller stories about individuals. I was not trying to make a documentary about everything in the body modification realm. That’s been done before. I think it’s wonderful to be able to talk in detail about a subject so that the audience really gets to know them.

Disha: How the title Flesh & Blood came?

Larry: I often have a difficult time coming up with titles. The working title for this film was originally “Thick-Skinned.” But when I finally had to choose, I picked a title that has a double meaning… first, and most obvious, is that Steve deals with both flesh and blood. Second, at the end of the movie, when Steve’s daughter says she wants to be a piercer and do implant procedures like her Dad, she says, “It’s in the blood.” So flesh and blood refers to family ties and specifically to a daughter who wants to carry on in her father’s footsteps.

(Diabolus Rex)

Disha: Can you throw some light on F&B? Especially it’s presentation, storyline and what does ‘Deleted Scenes’ cater?

Larry: I will answer this backwards… the Deleted Scenes are scenes that I like that were in an earlier cut of the movie, but for one reason or another slowed the movie down or didn’t quite fit. However, I felt that fans of Steve and body modification would like to see them.

Regarding the storyline, here is the prepared description I like to give…

Every artist needs a canvas. For Steve Haworth, it’s human flesh. He’s one of the most controversial practitioners operating in the world of radical body modification. He sculpts Teflon and stainless steel implants into horns, stars, and other objects, then surgically places them under people’s skin. Some of the most extreme looking people in the world have spent time under Haworth’s knife. They’re people who’ve become bored with even full-body tattoos and piercings. They’re people willing to endure the pain. They’re people like David, who’s on a quest to cover himself with stainless steel objects that are not only ornamental, but can be screwed in and out of his body.

Some come for a sexual charge, some for the pain, and many just to be different. “Flesh and Blood” is an unflinching glimpse into an intense and mysterious world Haworth helped to create, and the obsessed people who inhabit it.


(Hiroyuki Sugisaki)

Disha: Do you think this film will change people’s outlook and increase their knowledge towards body modification?

Larry: I do think that people will have a greater understanding about the more extreme side of body modification, but it’s important to understand that this a story told in Steve’s own words. The film makes no judgments for or against body modification. I do not hold the hand of the viewer. I take a very even-handed approach. It’s up to the viewer to decide if they like it or not.

Disha: What was the biggest unexpected pleasure you got while working on the film?

Larry: Some of the subjects of the film have become lifelong friends. You can’t ask for more pleasure than that.

(Beki Buelow)

Disha: How was the five year life in shooting F&B?

Larry: I shot the film while living in Los Angeles. From time to time, I would travel to Phoenix, Arizona where Steve lives and stay there for up to two weeks at a time. Steve and I would keep in touch and whenever I sensed something happening in his life that I wanted to capture, I would go back. During that whole time, I had other projects that I worked on at the same time so it was hectic travelling back and forth.

Disha: In recent years we see several documentaries made on body art whether tattoos, body piercing and body modification, which is something of new topic. Why do you think it’s on people’s mind?

Larry: People throughout time have always looked for new ways to express themselves, both inwardly and outwardly. Today, we are inundated with so much stimulus that it starts to wash over us and often has the effect of making us numb instead of inspiring us. Body modification offers many a way to feel again, and connect with both the world around them, and themselves.

(Steve performing 3D surgery)

Disha: How has working with Steve and others been?

Larry: Working with Steve has always been a pleasure. We have such terrific mutual respect and admiration towards each other. That’s goes for Beki, John, and others in the film.

Disha: Someone on net accused you of “leading the audience into sharing your disgust for those featured in your documentary.” What do you have to say?

Larry: I’ve never heard that before. That person sounds like someone who has never seen the film. The only criticism I’ve heard is from a few people who think the Preview Trailer comes off like a horror film. I admit I wanted to get some attention with that trailer, but the movie itself is nothing like that. All I can say is, why do all the people in the movie love it so much? They would be the ones to be angry if I made them look bad. I get lots of thanks from people in the body modification community who tell me that the movie inspired them to do more with their bodies, participate in suspensions, and so forth. The only people who’ve actually seen the movie who think it’s negative are people who have never seen these kinds of mods before and are scared of it.

(Francis Sand)

Disha: Another wonders if the man thrives on the flesh he modifies or feeds on the innocence of those seeking ways to be different?

Larry: Steve neither thrives on the flesh he modifies, nor does he feed off innocent people. Steve talks about this in the film. He has strict rules. He will not modify anyone who does not already have a lot of very visible tattoos and piercings. He doesn’t want to be the first person to put them in a position of having society judge them. He usually tells people to think long and hard about their decision to alter their bodies. He’ll have them wait weeks or even months before he’ll perform a procedure on them. If after all that time, they still feel strongly about the modification, only then will he perform his artistry. This is what I love about Steve. He really cares about the impact his work will have on the lives of his clients.

Disha: Who is Larry Silverman in flesh and blood?

Larry: I am the teller of other people’s stories. And I’ve tried to stay true to each and every one of them.

(Joe Aylward)

Disha: What would you say to encourage people to check it out?

Larry: I think the movie is a fun ride. It’s intense, it’s beautifully photographed, and it’s even funny at times.

Disha: Is there anything else you’d like to pass on?

Larry: I love telling stories about people who I love and admire.

(Trailer of Flesh & Blood)

Thanks Larry for sparing your precious time and clearing the haze from our reader’s eyes.

Purchase DVD from www.fleshandbloodmovie.com/
Price: $19.95 (without shipping) and $24.79 (with shipping)


DIY oral piercing is risky!

Posted by Disha Singh on February 20, 2008

oral piercing
(The craze for facial piercing in Himachal Pradesh, India, is increasing day by day but it’s not professional piercing, rather it is DIY piericng. Concerned about this issue I got down to write.) 😕

A low-waist jeans with tight bottoms, baggy pullover, a bandanna for gelled locks and a face with some piercing…this is the appearance of our youth slipping in the shoes of Rap Style, frequently seen freaking out on the Mall Road.

This is mainly not the fashion for under-graduates but it’s our school going children trying their level best to add some funk to their style.

This is the new cult into which our ‘future of nation’ is moving sleathily. Recently, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day many youngsters were seen parading in this fashion.

To be in latest fashion is good but following it blindly is the matter of concern!

The craze for facial piercing is growing day by day but with a heavy heart it is to be mentioned that people are not aware of its side-effects. Any part of our body can be poked but for every piercing special assistance as well as aftercare is required.

Focusing on oral piercing a person may experience regular irritation with oral soft tissues like lips, gums, etc. Piercing can have bacterial stagnation due to poor oral hygiene and may form deformities in soft tissues and teeth.

A young government school student in the town, who has himself pierced labret, said that he poked his labret himself with a sewing needle and for over a month the piercing was very painful with bleeding and pus in it. With the passing of over three months now, however, the piercing has healed but still at times it gets painful with pus in it.

Has he ever thought what is the reason behind this prolonged healing and pus? No! He takes it to be a normal process.

The reason behind this is the unhygienic method of piercing. Returning of pus means existence of bacterial infection as it’s actually a collection of dead skin cells, white blood cells called neutrophils and some bacteria that are still putting up a fight.

However, it do takes about 6-8 weeks for a lip piercing to fully heal but do-it-yourself piercing is hazardous.

The ratio of people going to hospitals for body piercings is very less, therefore, it is recommended to get yourself pierced by a doctor as they have the proper knowledge of human body and can provide proper hygienic conditions that are required for body piercing. DIY piercing can at times be highly risky as you might poke a nerve, which may also lead to health crisis or ones death.

Along with getting yourself poked by a doctor, you need proper aftercare follow-up. As mouth is the gateway to anything we eat, it can sometimes be more prone to infections. The infection can be due to inappropriate method of cleaning. Therefore, rinse 4-5 times a day with non-alcoholic antimicrobial or antibacterial solution, even over rinsing can be harmful. Don’t think that your saliva can be harmful to your piercing as it has some anti-bacterial qualities which help in preventing the infection to some extent. Don’t play with your piercing jewelry during the process of healing and don’t touch it with uncleaned hands.

As per my knowledge there is no law for body art in Indian Constitution like most of the western countries, who have now understood well the consequences of unsafe body piercing or tattooing. If you know about any laws for body in India, please share it with us.


Know your Nose Piercing better!

Posted by Disha Singh on February 17, 2008


In 22nd century I guess everything will be replaced by electronics – even our jewelry as we see the LED Nose Ring in the above picture. As you breathe the ring glows with the help of a delicate fan structure that transforms exhaled air into electric energy to light up the LED light.

For me simultaneous to the talk of LED nose ring is the nostril piercing. Nostril piercing is very common in India or you can say Hinduism. However, the craze for poked nose is growing day by day and is also slipping into western society.

Hindus believe, a girl with pierced nostril get married sooner than others, as it is a honor to the Parvathi – the goddess of marriage and it also symbolizes a married lady. Moreover, pierced nostril also has medical reason that it makes childbirth easier because Ayurvedic medicine associates this location with the female reproductive organs.


Nostril piercing takes more time (about two to six weeks) to heal than an earlobe because inside area of the piercing takes longer time to heal. So, we suggest you no to change your jewelry frequently till your piercing has 100% healed. At times it also gives a problem during the process of healing as sometimes the thread of the towel or clothing get entangled with the jewelry. Therefore, it is suggested to wear a ring that is in sterling silver.


Over rensing and strong soap is not recommended to clean the piercing. Cleaning of the piercing is little troublesome and is required to be taken special gentle care.

After the piercing is cleaned you can apply an antibiotic ointment.

Piercing Aftercare from Grandmaa’s diary:

Heat pure ghee and turmeric powder in a small bowl and with the help of cotton pat this hot mixture on the pierced area. It will help to reduce pain as well as faster healing.


Three lines!

Posted by Disha Singh on December 20, 2007

Alan Dumond with body piercing and body carving

Alan Dumond of aestheticsbodymod.com shows off his fresh super-cool scarification design of three lines near his left eye. The blue dot tattoo surrounded by these lines appears like a shooting star.

The cutting was done by Marea at Aesthetics in Indianapolis.

Moreover, you can’t think to miss his nostril and upper & lower labret. Lower labret wooden plug looks cool and what you can’t see here is his split tongue, septum piercing, cartilage plug, pierced and stretched ear.


Cool Septum Piercing

Posted by Disha Singh on December 5, 2007

Septum Piercing

Now that is called true body modification freakiness. Dr Pangloss’s has got his labret, septum and earlobe pierced

The pen serving as the septum piercing jewelry caught my attention.

However, for some of yours curiosity I’ll tell you that septum piercing is performed in similar way like any other piercing with the needle. May for big holes dermal punches is used. Anyhow if you are not a chicken hearted person then you can also modify your body like this and be apart from the mob.

Dr Pangloss’s pierced at a 10g and has stretched it to 1/2″ since then.


Careful…Tongue piercing can take your Life!

Posted by Disha Singh on November 25, 2007

Tongue Piercing
(Photo: Piercinghelp.com)
Yes, it’s true tongue piercing can at times be so dangerous to lead to you to your death-bed as it happened to Kate Donovan, 20, who died at a Boston hospital on Monday. She died of viral meningitis after getting an infection from a tongue piercing. (Source)

She developed an infection in the pierced tongue and even antibiotics did’nt seem to help, thus leading to severe headaches. She was hospitalized but unfortunately lost her life.

Tongue piercing is a very common trend and apart from being a fashion statement it provides more pleasurable oral sex. The piercing increase sexual stimulation, during fondling females tend to get the most benefits with a tongue ring as the ball of the ring can directly stimulate the clitoris and in males the ball acts as a massage for the movable skin on the shaft of their genital.

There are many types of the tongue piercings like surface tongue piercing, tongue web piercing done through the webbing under the tongue and tongue rim piercing which is on the outer edge of the tongue.

Tongue Piercing Side Effects
In some cases it is not that risky and gets healed in about a month with proper aftercare by rinsing the tongue regularly with salt water or mouthwash.

Bacterial infections and meningitis can be a complication from tongue piercing however, meningitis is not contagious. Meningitis is an infection of the tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It’s prominent symptoms may appear suddenly and include fever, severe and constant headache, stiff neck or neck pain, nausea and vomiting and rash. It is believed that the bacteria commonly found in the mouth and saliva possibly enter the bloodstream through the hole punched into the tongue thus leading to the firestorm of infection.

In addition to risk of infection, Hepatitis C and tetanus, the Journal of the American Association finds that tongue piercing can lead to trigeminal neuralgia, also known as the “suicide disease,” which results in facial pain resembling electrical shocks.

Here, I’m not scaring you from getting your tongue pierced but a serious recommendation – visit a professional and experienced person for it!