Archive for November, 2007
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 25, 2007

Yes, it’s true tongue piercing can at times be so dangerous to lead to you to your death-bed as it happened to Kate Donovan, 20, who died at a Boston hospital on Monday. She died of viral meningitis after getting an infection from a tongue piercing. (Source)
She developed an infection in the pierced tongue and even antibiotics did’nt seem to help, thus leading to severe headaches. She was hospitalized but unfortunately lost her life.
Tongue piercing is a very common trend and apart from being a fashion statement it provides more pleasurable oral sex. The piercing increase sexual stimulation, during fondling females tend to get the most benefits with a tongue ring as the ball of the ring can directly stimulate the clitoris and in males the ball acts as a massage for the movable skin on the shaft of their genital.
There are many types of the tongue piercings like surface tongue piercing, tongue web piercing done through the webbing under the tongue and tongue rim piercing which is on the outer edge of the tongue.

In some cases it is not that risky and gets healed in about a month with proper aftercare by rinsing the tongue regularly with salt water or mouthwash.
Bacterial infections and meningitis can be a complication from tongue piercing however, meningitis is not contagious. Meningitis is an infection of the tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It’s prominent symptoms may appear suddenly and include fever, severe and constant headache, stiff neck or neck pain, nausea and vomiting and rash. It is believed that the bacteria commonly found in the mouth and saliva possibly enter the bloodstream through the hole punched into the tongue thus leading to the firestorm of infection.
In addition to risk of infection, Hepatitis C and tetanus, the Journal of the American Association finds that tongue piercing can lead to trigeminal neuralgia, also known as the “suicide disease,” which results in facial pain resembling electrical shocks.
Here, I’m not scaring you from getting your tongue pierced but a serious recommendation – visit a professional and experienced person for it!
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 21, 2007

Photo: Neatorama
Maximum tattoo regrets are a result of broken relationship in which a lover inks his/her beloved’s name or portrait on their skin, perhaps to avoid any type of tattoo remorse here is an intelligent way of tattooing – “connect-the-dots” tattoo.
Let others guess your new tattoo design and you make it purely personal. Even if your lover walks away from your life, you don’t need to erase the tattoo because no one knows the hidden tattoo under the dots.
I understand that it is difficult to wear the same tattoo on your skin which reminds you of some unhappy relation but I’m sure there might be some pleasurable moments also in that bad relation, so remember that and get going.
Connect-the-dots tattoo is an awesome idea and really unusual. The visible invisible tattoo can be inked onto the skin like a connect-the-dots puzzle hiding the main design of the tattoo.
Colleen Venable is obsessed with giraffes, thus inked this connect-the-dots tattoo of the giraffe toy on her leg and gave me an intelligent idea to ink any tattoo onto my skin without any remorse.
As part of her art project The Stalking and Murdering of a Childhood Giraffe Project, Colleen decided to get an “extremely visible invisible tattoo”: a connect-the-dot tattoo of the giraffe toy. (She traced the giraffe with a pen for us all to see)
The tattoo was inked by Dave C. Wallin of Tattoo Culture, Brooklyn, NY, who has a professional experience of sixteen years in Texas, Hawaii, and NYC and specialize in custom designs and drawings for each client.
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 13, 2007
Recently, a Phuket tattooist inked an extraordinary tattoo on the arms of a Geelong supporter. Poor Neville had never thought that his idea of celebrating the team’s premiership victory with a tattoo would leave everyone mocking at him.
He spent around $150 to get his team inked as “Gay Premiers 2007” 😆 – misspelled “Day”.
The tattooist opened doors of his stupidity when he inked exactly same words from a piece of paper on which Neville had clearly instructed what to be tattooed on right and left arm under the heading: “Right Arm” and “Left Arm”. The tattooist became the king of all copy-cats when he copied the “Right Arm” and “Left Arm” also, which were written on the paper to make the delineation clearer.
Last year something similar happened for which the tattooist was sued by the customer who wanted a Boca Juniors logo on his back but got a lewd penis tattoo by the tattooist because the artist was a supporter of River Plate– Boca Juniors rival. Poor guy could not see what his artist was inking on his back, as he was not provided with a mirror. 😆
Therefore, it’s a humble request to keep a vigilant eye on your artist before he/she gives you a remorseful body art.
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 9, 2007

Image Courtesy
Last week Beyonce was spotted in a henna tattoo on her right forearm when she arrived at Halim Perdanakusuma airport in Jakarta, Indonesia. She looked stunningly hot with the new tattoo.
Henna body art is a tradition that has been practiced for over a 1000 years. Actually, Henna Tattooing is considered very auspicious and is very prominent in the Middle East countries. Every celebration bring along henna tattooed hands of the ladies. Similar to permanent tattoos, there is a sky rocket growth in the henna tattooing craze. Whether it is Eid or Diwali, Karva Chauth (a fast taken by married ladies for long lives of their husbands) or wedding; henna plays an important role.
There is a special ceremony called “mehndi ki rasam” before the wedding day, in which henna tattoo designs are drawn on brides’ hands and feet – where the color is darkest because the skin contains higher levels of keratin, with which the colorant of henna enters a permanent bind. These days the fashion of “Bridal Mehndi” is growing in complexity and elaboration, with new innovations in glitter, gilding, and fine-line work. The length of henna tattoos have grown upward from hands to arms and from feet to legs depending upon personal choice.
There are various henna designs available in the market like Arabian mehndi, Indian mehndi, shaded mehndi, etc. each design is exceptional in it’s own way. The cost of the design depends upon the selection of design and area to be covered. Bridal mehndi is expensive than other ordinary designs.

For henna tattooing you don’t need to undergo any pain and the procedure is so simple that even you can perform it at home:
1. Take 100 grams of sifted henna powder mix sieved lemon juice, 10 grams essential oil like lavender – for sensitive skin, tea tree, ravensara, or cajeput oils into it.
2. Prepare a paste of this mixture by adding sieved tea leaves water (made by boiling tea leaves in water).
3. Stir the mixture well to avoid lumps formation and then leave it for couple of hours till henna releases dye i.e. when brown puddles are seen on henna.
4. Fill the henna into a plastic cone, make a small hole into the tip of the cone and your henna tattoo gun is ready to tan you. Instead of so much of botheration you may buy a cone – readily available in the market, but some are allergic to the dye used in them, therefore, here is DIY henna tattoo.
5. Stencil the design onto your hands and fill the design with the henna cone.
6. Make sure that henna touches your skin so that it can tan properly.
7. After the design is made let the henna dry on your skin.
8. Then with the help of cotton swap moisten your henna design with a mixture of sugar and lemon juice – to keep it sticking to your skin. Do not put this mixture on wet henna design otherwise, it will spread the design.
9. Leave the henna on your skin for atleast 5-6 hours or overnight and then let it fall off on its own – do not bring the tattooed portion in contact with water for atleast 18 hours.
10. Do not panic if the starting color of your henna tattoo is pumpkin orange because the real dark color will appear after a day.
Except from tattooing – henna has various medicinal qualities. Anyways, we are here to discuss its body adornment feature only.
For this Diwali, I wish you very happy and safe DIY henna tattooing on this festival. Do not include those materials to which you are allergic in your henna paste.
View Our Henna Tattoo design Gallery
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 6, 2007

(Three Fish Tattoo on Right Side)
By and largely we see a fish tattoo in a Japanese style and they are very colorful. Today, here is an eye-candy for you by Mez at Tainted Hearts Custom tattoo shop in Colorado.
The tattoo is undeniably awesome and a black work masterpiece in itself. I admit, I have seen many tattoos but this is the one which has made a mark in my mind.

(Tattoo on Left Side of the same person)
However, tattooing on the chest or ribcage is very painful but who would not like to take pains for such beautiful gain. The painful experience varies from person to person as some people have greater resilience to bear it.
If you follow few tips then you can get a tattoo in less pain: Before getting yourself etched you can have a pain killer to subside it otherwise properly relax yourself during the process of tattooing and forget that it’s hurting because all these pains will soon be wiped-off as your tattoo is healed.
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 4, 2007

(Photo: Judith August’s Killer Cover)
Tattoos are beautiful but at some places they raise proverbial eyebrows and the first thought that strikes your mind is the laser tattoo removal. Hold on, that’s not the ultimate solution of this issue, as at some other place the same tattoos would look very cool, so, opt for something which displays your tattoos according to your comfort and choice – Tattoo Cover-up cosmetics!
Yes, with the help of cosmetic products you can neatly cover your tattoos and be confidently comfortable to visit any place. Moreover, you’ll save a big amount and pain, which you’ll undergo during the laser tattoo removal. This is not a new phenomenon and there are numerous such products flowing in the market.
You can use these cosmetic products to cover as well as change the design of your tattoo. Now, you might be scratching your head…how can a tattoo design be changed? Simply, you can cover a portion of your tattoo thus, resulting to a new tattoo design as shown in the image below.

As mentioned above there are many tattoo cover-up cosmetics available in the market but here are my top 5 picks: Joe Blasco’s Tattoo Cover, Judith August’s Killer Cover, NeoStrata’s CoverBlend, CoverMark and DermaBlend.
However, some tattoo cover-ups in market are not water-resistant, as a result they won’t give you a satisfactory swathe therefore, it is recommended to use a waterproof tattoo cover cosmetics for better effect.
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 3, 2007

TLC has a new show called Tattoo Wars. It has been on for four weeks, though you would not know it because they are doing zero advertising and promotion for it.
Here’s the show’s description:
“Tattoo Wars pits the best tattoo artists of our time against each other in a head to head creation competition. In each episode we explore the world, legend and work of two internationally acclaimed tattooists. Then we travel to a huge tattoo expo where our stars, in three hours time, ink a tattoo on the skin of two willing clients. These creations have a common theme, such as a dragon, a calla lily, a sailor, a tribal gauntlet, or a hanya (Japanese devil mask) but are rendered in the unique style of each artist. As the show closes, thousands of show attendees vote for the creation they like the best and the winning artist takes home the Tattoo Wars trophy.”
The participating artists are (so far):
Mike Rubendall vs. Bugs (1st week)
Leo Zuluetta vs. Rory Keating (2nd week)
Oct 25, 8:00 pm- Nikko Hurtado vs. Steve Morris (3rd week)
Nov 01, 8:00 pm- Guy Aitchison vs. Aaron Cain (4th week)
Nov 08, 8:00 pm- Deano Cook vs. Tom Renshaw (This week!)
Nov 15, 8:00 pm- Seth Ciferri vs. Michelle Myles
On November 1st, it was a great war between two legendary tattooists – Guy Aitchison and Aaron Cain both sat down to ink the sleeves of a man in organic and wildly imaginative design.
It is better late then never, so this time don’t forget to watch the Tattoo Wars. Mark the date and timings in your calendar so that now you don’t miss the last two tattoo wars.
Somehow, there is less viewer ship than expected therefore, Aitchinson’s official website ( requests public to flood the inbox of TLC in order to tell the authorities that they like such tattoo wars.
Simply, mail at and raise your voice. I’ve made my contribution and have posted the issue here also to increase few more mails to pressurize them to air more body art programs with your support.
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 2, 2007

I know it’s wrong to call navel piercing as females’ favorite only, because even males are poking their abdomen but, it is far more general among women than men. Body piercing is not a new phenomenon that has taken over today’s youth but it has been practiced since ancient times.
However, to talk about navel piercing – the fact is that the true navel is not pierced as for that the person being poked should have an “outy” navel to some degree, which is very rare. Therefore, in most cases the navel piercing is through the upper rim of the navel. Piercing actual navel carries high risk – lest infection in the piercing, it can travel inward to the liver or peritoneum.
Moreover, navel piercing can be a hassle for pregnant ladies because it becomes uncomfortable at the very end of pregnancy, as their abdomens get stiffly stretched causing a pulling sensation. In most cases their practitioner suggests the removal of navel piercing jewelry.
Navel piercing carries same pain like earlobe or nostril piercing but afterwards it would make you feel like a pregnant lady for few days because you’ll have to wear loose-fitted clothing, you won’t be able to bend over well and will have to sit with your rears pushed forward whether you lean on a chair. It is advisable to wear titanium, stainless steel or niobium jewelry in early day of piercing, as these metals promote less infection and gold is not recommended for a fresh piercing because it does not mesh with maximum’s body chemistry.
Remember, always go to a licensed or a well-experienced piercer for your piercing and schedule an appointment when your calendar is clear from all stretchy or strenuous physical activities like dance parties, yoga classes or any sports. During the procedure of navel piercing be focused on your breath and please-please do not try this at home because by doing this you can risk your life like Janaee Smith, a sophomore at Southside High, Greenville of South Carolina, who got her navel pierced from her friend thus, resulting in loss of life.
About and over six months is the time span taken by a navel piercing to be fully healed, the time duration may increase according to a person.
After getting your belly-button pierced by well-apprenticed piercer – the next step is to maintain a strict aftercare regime.
Finally, here is another option to avoid so many dos and donts–wear a fake belly button jewels and be cool. 😆
Posted by Disha Singh on
November 1, 2007

(“T” Massari and Alexandria Massari)
For this Halloween I was searching for some scary tattoos and you won’t believe – at Electric Soul Tattooing, Lancaster, California, I found many such tattoos. The studio is owned by a couple – “T” Massari and Alexandria Massari.
The couple has owned this studio since 2003 and is pretty successful in this profession and passion of body art. “T” Massari is a multifaceted tattooist and you can etch anything from animals to nature, old school to new school and from traditional, portraits to religious. His wife Alexandria Massari is a tattooist as well as a piercer and if you looking for floral tattoo then friends I would suggest her name because she is very good at it. But, we cannot limit her artistry to only this style as like her husband even she is a versatile and has a fine hand for inking oriental, fantasy, native cultural, nature, old school – traditional, religious, sports, etc. Except for inking she is very good at poking and can poke hole in any part of your body.
Alongwith, the couple there are other tattooists in the studio, a fresh but not unpolished artist – Evan Campbell and over five years’ experienced tattoo artist – Jesse Estrada. Jesse’s work has a flavor of Japanese style with versatility.
They are certified in Blood-Borne and Air-Borne pathogen education. And, they say that they are different because they are very serious about their art and having fun. That means you can get a body art with something funny going on in the studio. 🙂
Since, my childhood I’ve always heard some old people say that both, husband and wife should not be in same profession because this lead to lot of frictions in the relation. I could not reach on any conclusion about it but, personally feel that when a couple is in same profession they are more supportive and understanding. And, an example of a couple being in same profession is “T” and his wife Allie. I cannot say anything about their personal life but their tattoo art is unquestionably amazing.
Click here to view few of their tattoos at our gallery