Piercings and Tattoos

The world of Body Art from Disha’s eyes


Profession Revelation Tattoo

Posted by Disha Singh on March 15, 2011

It’s true; tattoos are to reveal your mind onto your skin. No matter what is in your mind you can shape it onto your skin in form of a tattoo. We’ve seen people converting their face into a skull by sketching one onto their face in order to show what’s under that skin.

If someone has to flaunt their profession they can etch a symbol of it onto their skin canvas like this cutlery tattoo of a Chef by Shanghai Kate (http://www.shanghaikates.com/). A keyboard key for a geek, a pen for a writer, a brush for a painter, a mike for a RJ, blah blah….! The list will go on and on.

Anyways, after this great tattoo now it’s a time for tip of the day:

In order to increase the life and newness of your tattoo place it on that part of the body which is less exposed to the sun. Sun is the biggest enemy of your skin and tattoo.

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