Archive for the ‘Tattoo Designs’ Category
Posted by Disha Singh on
January 29, 2015

Spider is an intriguing predator known for weaving complex webs and immense patience while awaiting their prey. Many people across the globe get their bodies inked with spider tattoos for its symbolic meaning for creativity, patience and wisdom. Likewise, the tarantula tattoo on leg also symbolizes the same.
Although, it is the creepiest tattoo to scare of any arachnophobe, but clearly shows the wearer’s love towards eight-legged invertebrates. Tattoo artist Tamas Dikac from Hungary has inked this incredible tattoo design on the person’s leg. I am really amazed by this realistic tattoo design that seems as if the creepy crawler is waiting patiently to attack its prey any moment.
I wonder how the person’s friends who are scared of spiders react after seeing this unusual creature on his leg. Moreover, the beautiful detailing of the tattoo represents the artist’s fine talent to bring life into his unusual skin art. Spare a thought about this eerie tattoo design.
Posted by Disha Singh on
September 13, 2011

Cheers Lou!
On the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, Glee award-winning costume designer, Lou Eyrich showed off “a somewhat different style” a lovely head tattoo.
People might be renouncing her latest hair-do sorry I guess I should say tattoo-do of Lou Eyrich 😉 But I am 100% loving it.
No greys, No Hair-fall just artistically managed hair etched on your head.

It’s not the first time that she has played with her hairstyle. But this time I would like to say that she is looking great in this extra ordinary tattoo. And I would not like forget to appreciate the efforts of the great man behind all these pseudo hair.

Tattoo Alert:
New research has turned up troubling findings about toxic chemicals in tattoo inks, including carcinogens and hormone disruptors.
Inks, which are injected into the skin with small needles, have caused allergic rashes, chronic skin reactions, infection and inflammation from sun exposure, said Elizabeth Tanzi, co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, D.C. A study published in July suggested that phthalates and other chemicals may be responsible for some of those problems.
That raises questions about more serious, long-term risks such as skin cancer, says scientists to (Read More…)
Image Courtesy: Dailymail
Posted by Disha Singh on
March 15, 2011

It’s true; tattoos are to reveal your mind onto your skin. No matter what is in your mind you can shape it onto your skin in form of a tattoo. We’ve seen people converting their face into a skull by sketching one onto their face in order to show what’s under that skin.
If someone has to flaunt their profession they can etch a symbol of it onto their skin canvas like this cutlery tattoo of a Chef by Shanghai Kate ( A keyboard key for a geek, a pen for a writer, a brush for a painter, a mike for a RJ, blah blah….! The list will go on and on.
Anyways, after this great tattoo now it’s a time for tip of the day:
In order to increase the life and newness of your tattoo place it on that part of the body which is less exposed to the sun. Sun is the biggest enemy of your skin and tattoo.
Posted by Disha Singh on
June 11, 2010

Yeah man, when I came across this tattoo my mind straight away said ‘why not have a tattoo and say no to those rings on our fingers!’ Rings sometimes irritate us, isn’t it? Sometimes they get entangled with your hair when trying to make a hairstyle or your clothes. Getting a tattoo etched on your finger is a better option no hassles and no burden.
Imagine the best part on your engagement, you don’t exchange wedding rings but sit in front of the tattooist to permanently engrave your better halves name, symbols or something which marks the big day. Interesting!
This tattoo won’t let your partner flirt with anyone else as rings can be removed but tattoos cannot. 🙂
If you have to show your big money then you can opt for expensive tattoo ink like colored or LED.
Tattoo Tip: Before get a tattoo, make sure that your tattooist always dips the needle in a small cap of pigment (squeezed from big bottle) before tattooing you. If the artist dips the needle into the big bottle, you may very well be sharing fluids with those who have had tattoos from that same big bottle, which can be risky.
Photo Credit:
Posted by Disha Singh on
July 2, 2009

Whole world was shocked on 25th June when the ‘King of Pop’ was reported dead.
Micheal Jackson was well-known for his many physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk.
When you think to give a tribute to Jackson what could be better than his signature moves.
The tattoo pictured is inked by Lokesh Verma of Devilz Tattooz, New Delhi, India. Jackson is seen in his signature ‘anti-gravity lean’, for which he was granted U.S. Patent No. 5,255,452, used in the music video for “Smooth Criminal”. Though, this patent expired on December 20th, 2005 due to failure to pay its maintenance fee.
That’s a separate story! So, guys what are you waiting for grab something more like Micheal Jackson and ink it to give a tribute to the ‘King of The Pop’.
Posted by Disha Singh on
May 13, 2009

Tattoos are great pieces of art which an artist etches on the skin of his client till death. This art of permanent decorating your body has advanced day by day. Improved tattooing machines, inks, techniques and even diverse designs are giving tattooists cut-throat competition to keep their name alive.
Here, we a piece inked by award winning tattoo artist Paul Booth of Last Rites Tattoo, NY. His work brings images of death and mayhem to mind. He is famous in the tattoo industry for inking life-like evil characters.
Posted by Disha Singh on
May 10, 2009

Tattoos are somewhere best way to express your mind…. and here in this tattoo Lionel tries to say no to pirated cassettes. We can see a pirated cassette on the cleavage of the lady reading “FAKE”.
May be the tattoo is a rejection to Home taping business!
Posted by Disha Singh on
April 15, 2009

Hanuman Chalisa is one the famous devotional poems by Tulsidas and Sam De of Guns N Inks got a chance to etch the starting lines of the poem on the arm of Rohit Malik.
Sam says, “the guy specifically wantd the Hanuman Chalisa…..”
Sam inked it for him and we brought it on PNT for you.
Posted by Disha Singh on
February 25, 2009

Wow! a Graphic & Web Designer, turns to be a tattooist. Todd Dumas thinking to do something different has starting practicing tattooing on himself and here is one of his efforts.
The first tattoo by him on himself is very different which was he made just to create it. He says,
“I am attempting to teach myself the art of tattooing. Right now, I am just doing some “freestyle” experiments with lines, colors and shading. As I get farther along (and more skilled), this will turn into a neo-tribal, abstract piece. This represents about 5 different 20-minute sessions.
This tattoo is damn embarrassing in its current state. The lines are shaky and the shading is terrible.”
However, he agrees to the fact that most new tattoo artists practice on themselves, and mistakes are expected. Though most new tattoo artists have spent a great deal of time in tattoo shops. He thinks that a lot can be learned from just being in the environment and getting work done. Before this, he only had a tiny, black piece that he got over ten years ago.
Thus, I make more mistakes than most would. But each session gets a bit better, and my lines are getting cleaner. Hopefully, I can salvage the design before I have to ink my entire foot black , he added.
Posted by Disha Singh on
February 17, 2009

Tanya from Ont., Canada, got this bright Chest Tattoo from Denis Prevost of Live Once Tattoos.
Tanya says, “I just wanted something bright and bold and I gave Denis’ the reigns on this one the only thing I was looking for was his name in it since he was Brave enough to get mine on his neck.”
Her tattoo matches her body and personality.