Piercings and Tattoos

The world of Body Art from Disha’s eyes

Archive for October, 2007


Body Craving to replace Tattoos?

Posted by Disha Singh on October 28, 2007

Scarification piercingsntattoos

These days, more and more individuals are deciding to do something different by leaving a permanent mark – on their own skin. Scarification is one of the best examples of permanent art but different from tattoos.

Scarification is of numerous types and I’m here to talk about “Body Carving” or “Skin Peeling” or “Skinning” – all different names of the art of Skin Removal. As depicted from the name it a process of skin removal giving yourself an euphoria of pain.

A step-by-step procedure is followed to remove the skin:

1. Area of the skin where the skinning is to be performed is properly cleaned.
2. The design is stenciled on the skin.
3. The design is outlined like a single cutting scarification until reaching the right depth and width.
4. Then the artist begins removing skin slices with the help of a Kocher forceps or dissection clamp. The tissue to be removed is pulled back while “slicing” on the bottom to free the skin from beneath.

Body Carving. piercingsntattoos

Here, in the picture you’ll see the procedure of Body Carving on this lady’s back, while the artist makes a bamboo design to contribute as her backpiece. There is a high risk in skinning and is recommended get it done by only an experienced practioner. Large amount of skin removal is not advisable. As the upper layer of the skin is being removed, therefore, it is very important to follow the aftercare guidelines and hygiene of that area.

If you want to be on the cutting edge — and want to set yourself apart — you can do scarification with more pain than tattoos.

Photos Flashback

Check out our Body Carving Gallery


Philips Electronic Tattoo: A conecpt to be introduced after 15 years!

Posted by Disha Singh on October 16, 2007

Have you ever imagined how the body art will change in next coming decades? If not then take a look at this sensual video and see something which is beyond imagination! My mouth was wide open when I saw this up-to-the-minute Philips electronic body art project, Skin: Tattoo. Philips Design is again pushing the boundaries and confusing us with its latest contribution to the body art industry.

The SKIN; Tattoo project investigates the use of ‘electronic’ ink that would allow people to have dynamic tattoos with an infinite number of display options. In much the same way as make-up is put on and taken off to suit the occasion, a tattoo could alter whenever desired. The tattoos could even change in response to gestures or emotions, which opens up novel ways of communicating and interacting with others.

Still there are many questions hovering my mind like: how will this ‘electronic’ ink work, will it be safe on the skin, how durable is it, etc. etc.


Rihanna Unveils her Latest Tattoo!

Posted by Disha Singh on October 15, 2007

Rihanna’s new Tattoo
Eminent Barbadian singer, Rihanna, walked with her puppy, unveiling her latest tattoo on Saturday. Yesteryear somewhere during this season she was spotted with a new tattoo behind the right ear to celebrate her “MTV Video Music Award” nomination. This year again she has inked but after the 2007 MTV VM Award.

However, this year she has won the Monster Single of the Year at the event for “Umbrella”. She also won the Video of the Year for “Umbrella” from ‘Good Girl Gone Bad’.

She was spotted etching some body art from NYC tattoo parlor. This is not her second tattoo.

Rihanna’s Foot Tattoo
Other Tattoos

Singer also has a treble clef and a 16th note on her right foot/ankle (shown). The tattoo behind her ear is that of a symbol of friendship and has a small star inside her left ear. There is a tattoo on her side and a cluster of stars on the back side of her neck. Her fresh tattoo is that of a guitar on the left arm – appearing as if it’s fading or is incomplete.

Source: GossipGirls


Mold Sun tan into painless Tattoos!

Posted by Disha Singh on October 14, 2007

Sun Tattoo

Sun tan or Sun Tattoo which word increases your curiosity? I know, it is Sun Tattoo. It will be so good to tattoo your skin without pain but the sweet pricks and humming of the tattoo gun will surely be missed.

People deliberately sleep under sun to tan their skin, how about taking that tan in a shape of a tattoo design? Looking back into few years, Jose Marin Pares, from Barcelona, noticed a sun brown trace on the wrist that was left behind by his wrist-watch. He thought this concept can be used to make tattoos with the help of stickers.

He materialized his idea and cut various tattoo designs in shape of stencils to sell at his official website: Barnadreams.com

To get these tattoos onto your skin simply, remove the internal holes of the tattoo sticker. Carefully remove the sticker from the stencil and stick the stencil on the skin. Bake yourself in sun or use UV rays for two hours per day for 4 to 5 days. Remove the stencil and there you with a brown visible invisible tattoo.

Wang UV tattoo stencil
(Yu-Chiao Wang’s Design)

Recently, a Chinese designer, Yu-Chiao Wang, has designed a soft stencil which will do the same work as Mr. Pares’ stencils with the difference of size – Wang’s stencil is bigger. However, her concept sun-tattoo stencil is yet to hit the market but is eagerly awaited by tattoo freaks.

Darker Side

Every coin has two sides, similarly, every tattoo has duo-effects–good and bad. Perhaps, these tattoos are painless but they are temporary and last for only 3-4 months. Moreover, due to regular exposure to UV rays there is a risk of skin cancer. Actually, ultraviolet radiation in sunlight creates free radicals that damage DNA in skin cells and cause abnormal growth, which later leads to skin cancer. Insufficient internal antioxidants can prevent that damage. If you don’t have them then Sun Tattoo is not your cup of tea!